Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The first sunshine

This morning, when I woke up, a miracle happened. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw were little sunbeams shining through my window. That made my day. Yes, something that ordinary makes me happy. Why? Well, you don't know this yet, but I hate, I despise winter. I hate the cold days, I hate the sitting inside and what I hate the most is the clothing. The sweaters are too thick and I'm not really a scarf person. I can deal with autumn, but the winter is a big NO for me.

So when I woke up, I almost jumped out of my bed. Looking outside and see little flowers pop out the ground, see the trees getting green again, the bright blue sky. It all makes me think 'bout spring and summer. 'Bout long days on the beach, sleep-overs with your friends, camping trips, festivals, cocktails... All of these things make me smile. They give me new energy, which I really needed after my winter depression.

They remind me how wonderful life is and when the summer will come, I'll enjoy it with whole my heart!

Love, Tina.


  1. I love the pictures!
    I hope there will be a day like that one again soon ! :)

    Kisses, Laura of the Lifelovers

    PS: I will follow your blog as soon I can get on my computer! :)

    PPS: this blog is really beautiful and I love the pictures ( they have such a good quality!) and the lay-out is great too!

    1. Wow, just saw this :p
      Thanks a lot (: !
      I've been on your blog just now, and I've got to say, it was hard to leave :p. It's soo awesome! Keep up the good work :D. And I agree, Belgian weather sucks, waiting for better days!!

      xx Nass
